We deliver 63/63 provinces in Vietnam with same-day delivery option. Fast and reliable!

Privacy Policy


We find and respect the importanceof maintaining the privacy of our clients. The Privacy Policy is designedto better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining how wecollect and use the personal information that the clients provide to us.Moreover, we help you make informed decisions when using our site and the otherservices there. We kindly encourage you read and review the terms of PrivacyPolicy clearly before using the site.

Trademarks,Copyrights and Restrictions

All material on this site,including, but not limited to images, illustrations, audio clips, andvideo clips, are protected by copyrights, trademarks,and other intellectual property rights which are owned and controlled by Ho Chi Minh Florist , its related companies or by other parties that havelicensed their material to Ho Chi Minh Florist. Material onhochiminhflorist.com or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by HoChi Minh Florist is solely for your personal, non-commercial use. The materials are copied, reproduced, republished,modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way,including by e-mail or other electronic means, without the express priorwritten consent of Ho Chi Minh Floristisstrictly forbidden.

Collecting Information

All clients’ information that wecollect is only use for the purpose of taking care of you with our bestservices. The kinds ofpersonally identifiable information that may be collected consist of name, address, email,telephone number, date of birth, credit card information, and information aboutyour interests in and use of various products, programs, and services. If you want us to deliver cirectlyyour gift to the recipient, you will submit the reccipient’s information. Thekinds of personally identifiable information thay may be collected about theother one consist of name, address, email and telephone number.

The information you provide to us may becollected even if an order, registration, or other process is started but notcompleted or cancelled.

Use and Disclosure ofInformation

With the information we collect, wecan contact with you to processyour orders, to improve our products and services, to conduct research, toprovide an enhanced and more personalized shopping experience, to inform you offers and promotions. Inthe process of providing our services, Ho Chi Minh Florist may need to discloseyour personal information to another party, but only for the purpose of helpingus to provide our services. Our database is private and are not sold orexchanged with outside parties.

The clients’information is collected for billing and administrativefunctions. We ensure that none of the information collectedfor these functions is provided to any outside party for any reason. We donot collect your credit card information. All credit card transactions via2checkout.com and paypal.com. Security measures are applied toprotect customers against loss, adjustment, or misuse of data collected.Clients are responsible for ensuring that only they or their authorized designees makeuse oftheir accounts.Suspected incidents of unauthorized use of a client account should bereported immediately to us for attention.

In some cases, we may discloseyour information when legally compelled to do so or for the protection of ourlegal rights.

The site contains links toresources outside hochiminhflorist.com website. We are not liable for thecontent on these sites. In case you have any questions about the privacystatement, the practices of this site, or your actions on the site, you cancontact us at [email protected]


If you want to register to be ourservice’s user or register for certain service or for email newsletter andalerts, you will provide some information include : personal information, yourfirm or company and your practices.

Email information

If you choose to communicate with us through email, wemay save the content of your email messages together with your email address. If you use our "Emailthis page" feature to send a copy of that page to someone else, your emailaddress will appear as the sender of the email. Both of your email address andthe recipient's email address will not be used for any other purpose.


Cookies are tiny text files that sent to your browsers and are stored on your computerwhen you visit our website. To rememberyour preferences whenyou return to the website we use the information stored in cookies. We use cookies to know that youare prior client, user or member to offer you products, programs or services. Cookies, by themselves, do nottell us your email address or other personally identifiable information if you do notallow, for example,registering at the site.

You can disable cookies using yourbrowser references. However, this may prevent some features of the site fromfunctioning properly or fastering when you refuse cookies.

The site uses cookies to distinguishyou from other customers once you visit our site. In some cases, we also usecookies to prevent you from unnecessary advertisements or requiring you to login more than is necessary for security.

Cookies, in conjunction with our Webserver's log files, allow us to calculate the total number of people visitingour Web site and to know which parts of the site are most popular. Thanks tothis, we gather feedbacks to constantly improve our site and serve the clientsbetter. Cookies do not allow us to gather any personal information about youand we do not generally store any personal information that you provided tousing your cookies.

Accuracyof Information

We ensure the information it retainsis accurate and up to date. If any information is incorrect, please contact usimmediately and we will promptly correct it. All information we collect isprotected in a secure environment. Computer data base information is protectedby firewalls and also requires password access.

Child Protection

We take extra steps to protect the safety and privacy ofchildren. Our Sites are general audience sites. Consumers making purchases onour Sites are required to have a valid credit card and be above 18 year-olds.It is the policy of Hochiminhflorist Online not to collect personal informationon any person under the age of 18 and we request that any person under 18 notto submit any personal information via our sites. Our reminder and greetingservices are designed not to gather birth dates (with years) or other personalinformation for children under 13.

Sale, Trade or Rental ofPersonally Identifiable Information

We only share Personally Identifiable Information withbusinesses that we believe to have reputation and that can provide you withoffers and information that we think will be of interest to you. If you wouldlike to opt-out of our providing your name and mailing address to thirdparties, please follow the procedure outlined in the Opt Out / Modify sectionbelow. We do share Personally Identifiable Information with our floral and giftdistributors for the purpose of processing your orders. In some cases, we mayoffer free promotional emails and send promotional direct mail for productsand/or services offered on any one or more of our Sites or from businesses thatwe believe are reputable, as a service to our prior customers from any of ourSites. You have several options for changing or removing your information fromour database at any time: see "Opt Out / Modify" section below.


When making purchase with ournetwork of our web sites the credit card you provide will be submitted forauthorization and if approved charged by each individual florist either at thetime the order is taken on the website or upon receipt of the encrypted orderinformation. Processing of the statedcredit card follows credit card industry standards.

As always, the user making purchasemust have a valid credit card, be at least 18 years old, and have a good creditstanding.

Placingan Order

When placing an order, you arerequested to provide us Personal Information. We use this information to giveyou a customized experience and to process the order that you place with us.

For your convenience when placing an order, we automatically establish your own Personal Account whereinformation used in placing such order (including billing address, emailaddress, telephone number(s) and rewards program information) is saved. YourPersonal Account is password protected from third parties. You may access yourPersonal Account by requesting your password from us (go to My Account) andthen signing in with that password. Afterward,you may change your password,edit your Personal Information or request a password reminder at any time. Ourdatabase stores your billing and delivery information, and will automaticallytransfer it to the order form each time you place an order so that you do nothave to re-enter this information when you sign in at following visits.

The recipient phone number, whichyou provide to us when you place an order, is used for delivery purposes. Onsome occasions, we may call the recipient to scheduledelivery time. To maintain our highquality standards, we will occasionally contact recipients to ensure theirsatisfaction.

Accessing your details

At Ho Chi Minh Florist, we hold information in regards toyou or your company to ensure you can access it at any time. This is subject toany exemptions outlined in the Privacy details described above. If for anyreason you are not allowed to access to your information, we will inform you ofthe relevant exemption clause under our policy. If any costs are incurred inrelation to information access, HochiminhFlorist may charge a fee for thisservice.


Customers are allowed to opt-out of having yourinformation used for purposes not directly related to our site, when we ask forthe information.

Until you explicitly opt-in for the first time weconsider you in the opt-out category. Customers are always notified when theirinformation is being collected by any outside parties. This is for our userscan make an informed choice as to whether or not they should proceed withservices that require an outside party.

If you do not wish to receive any promotional ormarketing e-mails and/or surface mail marketing letters, you may opt-out ofreceiving those communications by using the opt-out mechanism on the UserAccount Settings Web page, or by sending an e-mail with the subject line "Unsubscribe"to or e-mail address - see above.

YourConsent and Changes to This Policy

By using Hochiminhflorist.comwebsite, you consent to ourcollection and use of your personal information as described in this PrivacyPolicy. If any changes in Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are made, anotification will be posted on the website to keep customer aware of theinformation being collect, their usage and disclosure circumstances. Customermay request to view any or all changes via surface mail. In some cases, we mayalso send email to customers who have opted to receive emails from us,notifying them of the changes made.


The information provided within our web site has been prepared only to assist you in evaluating the manybenefits of taking discussions withthe company further. The information hasbeen prepared in good faith with due care by us.

Additional Information

If you have any requirement or wish to update yourdetails, please contact us at:

The Privacy Officer

Ho Chi Minh Florist

[email protected]
